
Comic Strip

Text: "Father: This new popup trailer means we can practically live in our car! Ant it's big enough for 6 people, so we all can fit. No more hotels, warm beds, privacy...Merry Christmas!

Teenager: Just what I've always wanted."

A silly comic I made....my dad was proud of his new trailer...I was glad I no longer would be subjected to family camping trips. 

LoveDANCEmore work up to 2012

Here are links to some of my reviews/ articles for the blog lovedancemore.org











T-shirt Design//Department of Modern Dance

Winning t-shirt design chosen for the University of Utah Dept. of Modern Dance T-shirts, 2012
Another t-shirt design option for the Dept. of Modern Dance. Photo of dancer by CPRowe


Chris Strempek//Sports Poster

A photo of my dad. Edited in Photoshop. My first time playing with brushes...an experiment.

Christmas Party Invitation PDF

I made a fun invitation for a x-mas party. Once again I'm without photoshop, so I made this just with a scanner....I would have liked to touch it up, make the white less white, add some texture, but i'll make do without. We sent this out via an attachment in an email. Oh! and the hostess is a science teacher, hence the skeleton.

T-shirt Design// U of U Housing and Residential Education

I made this image for a competition to print on t-shirts for the Housing and Residential Education at the University of Utah. A spoof on the "Legends of the Hidden Temple" show, "Legends of the Hidden Gazebo" referred to the area on campus where the competition took place. We printed this on 130 t-shirts, with teams signified by different colored tees. People wore them all year long!


Kirk Dezmonian//Sports Poster

In Photoshop. For my dad's friend. Testing mixing different looks. Photography/ stencil/ realism...

Ellen Strempek//Schwab Imitation

For my mom. Made in Microsoft Paint (also using a window and the light shining through the glass, a constantly snapping pencil and a scanner). This is one of my favorite things I have done. Even crude, it captures my mom, a fisherwoman/ lover of the ocean. Credit goes to Michael Schwab (http://michaelschwab.com/) for design inspiration.